Monday, December 12, 2011

Featured Seller

This day in 2008 I was featured seller on Etsy. This was such a huge opportunity that I am incredibly thankful for. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for before the interview went up. I stocked up on a few different popular designs and thought I was all set to go. The interview went up and stayed on the front page for 3 days. In those 3 days I sold around 5000 soaps! At this time I was enrolled in college and of course it was finals week as well. I was amazed, shocked, and terrified all at the same time. If it was not for the help and support from my family I could not have made it through all those orders. I would make the soaps, my boyfriend packaged them, my mom filled the orders, and dad would make two trips to the post office each day. Being featured seller helped me learn what it takes to sell my products in bulk. I saw a whole new world to organizing and preparing. I had record selling holiday sales, tons of exposure, and the most touching emails from fans and customers explaining that the soaps brightened their day. 

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